



(A truly unique food/wellness combination product with fermented Ajwah seeds, and added Zam Zam water)

The Ajwah variety of dates is undoubtedly the KING of all dates, and it’s vinegar the majesty of nutrition, food, and medicine. Besides the benefits of normal Madinah dates, the Ajwah dates promises to deliver much more in terms of health benefits, and an added dimension too: protection against sorcery, the evil eye, and devilish influences, with the permission of Allah.

If the dates are so powerful, it’s hoped that its enhanced version – the organic vinegar – can amplify its benefits for everyone – Ameen.

The kernel/stone of the Ajwah has immense health benefits, so it has been aerobically fermented alongside the dates. Zam Zam water adds to its efficacy.

VIRTUES IN THE HADITH: About the blessed Ajwah, our noble Messenger Muhammad (Sallallaahu ’Alayhi Wasallam) said:

1)    “Ajwa dates are from paradise.” (Tirmidhi, Hadith 2068)
2)   “If somebody takes seven ‘Ajwa dates in the morning, neither magic nor poison will harm him that day.” (Sahih Bukhari, Book 71, Hadith 664)
3)   “And whoever eats seven ‘Ajwa dates every day, it will kill every disease of the stomach.” (Kanzul Ummal, Hadith 28472)
4)   Sa’d ibn Abi Waqqas (Radiallahu ‘Anhu) was suffering from a heart ailment, so he was advised to “take seven Ajwah dates of Madinah, grind them with their kernels, and then consume them.” (Sunan Abu DawudHadith 3875) He was cured after doing so.

* Increases Immunity: Dates contain 23 types of amino acids and at least six vitamins, including Vitamin C, Vitamin B (1) thiamine, B (2) riboflavin, niacin, and Vitamin A.
Improves Digestion: These dates contain high amounts of natural fiber, which is effective in aiding digestion. Ajwa dates are a good source of the potassium. Individuals with constipation and other digestive problems will benefit from it. It works by providing roughage to the body, which then stimulates the sluggish bowels.
* Increases breast milk in lactating woman: Dates are useful for lactating women because they assist in enriching breast milk. Kids of mothers who eat Ajwa dates regularly are less susceptible to diseases and infections.
* Prevents Anaemia: Iron is vital in RBC production which assists in treating anemia.
*Helps in Childbirth: Dates enable the smooth expansion of the uterus muscles, resulting in easy delivery of the fetus. It also contains a material which reduces blood pressure for pregnant women.
* Prevents Cancer: Ajwa contains anti-inflammatory and anti-oxidant properties similar to commercially available drugs like ibuprofen, Celebrex and Naproxen. (61st issue of the US-based Journal for Agriculture and Food Chemistry).
Boosts Bone Health: As people begin to age, their bones start to become weaker, so maintaining a diet high in both calcium and phosphorus can ward off unpleasant bone degradation. Dates are high in calcium and a phosphorus, which work closely together to build strong bones and teeth. About 85 percent of the body’s phosphorus is in bones and teeth. Phosphorus is needed for the growth, maintenance and repair of all tissues and cells, and for the production of the genetic building blocks.
*Controlling Osteoporosis: The significant amounts of key minerals found in dates make them superstars when it comes to strengthening bones and fighting off painful and debilitating bone diseases .
* Intestinal problems: This is due to the high amounts of soluble fiber in it.
* Prevents Type 2 Diabetes: The sugars in Ajwa dates are monosaccharaides, making them beneficial for people who suffer from type-two diabetes.
* Increases Eyesight: Ajwah has large amount of Vitamin cells which helps keep the retina cells healthy.
* Cardiac Problems: Refer to the hadith above.
* Treating Infertility: Ajwah increases sexual vigour, and balances the thyroid and hormones too.

3-5 tablespoons in a mug of warm water (depending on body weight – 1 tbsp for every 20 kgs), every morning. Adding raw honey is an advantage.


Genuine organic vinegar is unlike the cheap synthetic kitchen vinegar commonly used by all. Real vinegar, regarded as top of the food chain, is made from organic fruit, aerobically fermented for a very long time, and nurtured daily to produce the best and most healthy pro-biotic, digestive, and tonic man has ever known.

Apple Cider Vinegar (ACV) has been widely used for many years, but our precious Prophet, Nabi Muhammad (Sallallahu Alaihi wa Sallam) used a better type of vinegar 1400 years ago. This was Dates Vinegar (known as Khall in Arabic). Khall is a buried Sunnah which needs to be revived for our own health maintenance, and is available in South Africa now in a classy 500 Ml glass bottle. It is made from the blessed Barni dates (most of the time, unless not available) sourced from Madinah al-Munawwarah which, according to a hadith, contains much cure and benefit for humanity.

There are numerous virtues of Khall mentioned in books of tradition:


  • Our most Noble Prophet (Sallallahu Alaihi wa Sallam) said: ‘The house which has vinegar will never suffer poverty.” (Tirmidhi, no. 1841)
  • “The best of condiments/gravy is vinegar.” (Muslim. No. 5091)
  • “O Allah, bless the vinegar as it was the condiment/gravy of previous prophets.” (Ibn Majah, No. 3433)

For maximum benefit, have 2-3 tablespoons of Khall daily upon awakening on an empty stomach in a huge mug of warm water. You could add some raw honey too if you so wish. It can also be used as a chutney dip, or sprinkled over salads and food for taste. Above all, it’s an authentic Sunnah food which shows our love and emulation of our Prophet (Sallallahu Alaihi wa Sallam) in his noble dietary habits.

Khall has numerous benefits, some of which are as follows:

  • Regulates Blood Sugar,
  • Enhances Weight Loss,
  • Lowers Cholesterol,
  • Reduces Arthritis Pains,
  • Acts as an Immune Booster & Blood Purifier,
  • Eliminates Fatigue,
  • Cleanses the Lymph Nodes,
  • Improves Skin Health,
  • Reduces Blood Pressure,
  • Relieves Acid Reflux,
  • Boosts Gut Health/Digestion,
  • Soothes Sunburns,
  • Fights Fungus,
  • Enhances Circulation,
  • Treats Warts,
  • Cures Coughs & Colds,
  • Kills Bugs and Fleas,
  • Wards of Seasonal Allergies,
  • Balances your Ph (acidity levels)
  • Aids in Detox etc.